Position Information:
BreakForth Solutions, Inc (BSi), an 8 (a) Woman-Owned Small Business, is a Technology and Professional Services firm specializing in responding to and resolving complex requirements for government agencies, contractors, and commercial organizations. BSi provides focused services within our core competencies of Engineering and Integration, Data Analytics, and Professional Services Solutions. BreakForth Solutions is seeking a Sr. Accountant to join our team of professional results-oriented staff who will provide comprehensive financial business management support. The ideal candidate will have proven industry experience as an accountant, preferably in a senior role within a Federal Contracting environment. The Sr.
Accounting Manager serves as a vital member of the internal corporate staff and works closely with the CFO, Executive Team, and Operations Teams. The Senior Accounting Manager will manage, execute, and evaluate day-to-day financial activities. Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- ExecutediverseaccountingandfinancedutiesinaUnanetaccountingsystemsenvironment.
- Processandanalyzemonthlycustomerinvoiceswhileaccurately invoicing all billable costs.
- Processmonthlyvendorinvoices.
- Analyzeandpostmonthlyaccrualsandotheradjustingentries.
- EnternewprojectsandmodificationsinUnanet.
- Serveaslead for TimeandLaborin Unanet;providedirect support to the project teamson time and labor issues, including subcontractors.
- Preparelaborreconciliationsforreviewandpostingoflabor.
- EnternewhiresandprocessterminationswithinUnanet.
- Process payrollusing ADPWorkforce Nowinatimely andefficientmanner,includingthe productionof health and welfare statements for ServiceContract Act personnel.
- Workdirectly with theCFO todevelop theannual budget tomaximizerevenueand identifypotential areas of cost savings.
- Providerecommendationstoimprovesystemsandproceduresandinitiatecorrectiveactions.
- Ensurecompliancewithinternalpolicies,governmentregulations,andaccountingprinciples.
- ProvidecomprehensiveaccountingupdatestotheExecutiveTeam.
- Helpdevelopandsupportshort-andlong-termoperationalstrategies.
Education/Skills/Experience Requirements:
- Bachelor’sDegreeorhigherinFinance,Accounting,orBusinessAdministrationorequivalent experience.
- Minimumof7years’ experienceinAccountinginaFederalContractingenvironment;12years’ experience can be considered in lieu of a degree.
- Extensiveknowledgeof the practicesand principlesof government contractsaccounting budgeting, cash management, contract management, and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
- Well-versedinFAR,CAS,andgeneralcompliance.
- ExperiencewithUnanetandADPWorkforceNow.
- Be able to process semi-monthly payroll using ADP Workforce Now.
- Progressiveexperienceasa self-starterwith the ability toeffectivelyexecutecoordination activities, makeindependentand sound judgmentsand decisions,and identifygapsinexistingprocessesand documentation.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office365, including Word; Excel; PowerPoint; Outlook; Teams; SharePoint; proficientinAdobeAcrobatProfessional andotherrelevant software.
- Possessanddemonstrateexcellentandprofessionaloralandwrittencommunicationskills.
- Excellenttimeandprioritymanagement skillswithproven experiencemeeting tightdeadlines; ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
- Abilitytoreacttoprojectandorganizational adjustmentsand alterationspromptlyandefficiently.
- Abilitytoconformtoshiftingpriorities,demands,andtimelinesbyimplementinganalyticaland problem-solving capabilities to maintain multiple project schedules.
- Abletocollaborateandinteractwithinternalandexternalstakeholderseffectively and professionally; mustbe a team player,be hands-on, and take ownership of projects.
- Exceptional customerserviceskills; abilitytoshare and alleviateconcernsandconflicts ina proof-positivemannerandprovide effectivesolutions, resulting in positiveoutcomes.
- Exceptionalanalyticalandlisteningskills;willingnesstolearnnewconcepts.
- Mustbe detail-orientedand possesscriticalthinking,focusedleadership,andtimemanagement skills.
Company-wide Accountabilities:
- WorkcloselywiththePresidentandCEO,andCFO to supportfinancial objectives.
- Holdcompanyandclientinformationinstrictconfidenceanddonotcommunicateoutsidethecompany.
- Allworkobjectivesmustbeperformedinaccordancewithallgovernmentlaws,regulations,ordinances, and court rulings in those jurisdictions inwhich the company operates.
- Executework requirementsin accordancewithcompany policiesand standards inherent in allposition contracts, systemactionplans, employee manuals, ongoing policy memoranda, and facilities.
- Notifythe President/CEOof any issuestoberesolvedordeadlinesthatcannot bemet prior tothedue date.
- Bring to the attention of the Chief TechnologyOfficer (CTO) any problems withsystemssothe system can be improved, repaired, or replaced.
Effectively work remotely, per an exempt, 40-hour/week schedule, Monday – Friday, with a willingness to adjust when position requirements warrant the additional time to be completed in accordance with corporate objectives and deadlines.
- Be willing to participate in in-officemeetings (Centreville, VA location), whennecessary to meet corporate objectives, and to attend training, corporate meetings, and off-sitemeetings/gatherings.
- Abilitytoworkwithminimumsupervisioninan“all-hands”environment and be a kind, collaborative team member, operating with the highest levels of integrity and honesty.
- Bewillingtoprovideandexpectgreatresults!
BreakForth Solutions Incorporated is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, or any other basis covered by applicable law.
95000.00 To 135000.00 (USD) Annually